Answered By: Claire Townsend
Last Updated: 16 May, 2024     Views: 34

You can use Library Search to find everything we subscribe to support your studies. You can search for specific titles and/or keywords for the topic you are interested in. For a seamless experience log in on the top right before starting your search.

You may also have a reading list for your module(s) which will highlight essential and recommended reading.  Your reading list can be accessed via Blackboard.


Books and ebooks

Whether you know the title or not you can find books and ebooks on Library Search. Enter the title or topic you are interested, if you prefer an ebook you can limit the results by type using the menu on the left hand side.



If you know the name of the database you are looking for the quickest way to access a database is to use the Databases A-Z.

If you're not sure which database is useful to you, your Subject LibGuide has information about key resources for your subject area. 



If you know the name of the journal or magazine you are looking for, you can check our journal subscriptions through Library Search or through the Journals A-Z. The A-Z gives details of all of our electronic and printed subscriptions and can be searched.

If you’re not sure which journal or magazine you are looking for the best places to start are Library Search or 



We have subscriptions to all the main UK national and local newspapers, as well as a number of European and international newspapers. You can access these newspapers online through a database called Nexis UK.

We have an online subscription to the Financial Times online issues can be accessed with your Aston University username and password.



We subscribe to British Standards Online (BSOL) giving you access to internationally recognised standards. Access BSOL via the Database A-Z



If you require access to an Aston thesis most of these should be available in full text electronically.   you can try searching for it on our publications repository.



We do not keep undergraduate or masters dissertations.  You may find that your degree programme provides example projects / dissertations via Blackboard. Speak to your School Support Office to find out more.