Answered By: Claire Townsend
Last Updated: 07 Aug, 2024     Views: 29

If material you need is not held by the Library, we will try to find it from another library through the Inter-library Loan service (sometimes called ILL). You can check what we have available by searching Library Search


Requesting an Inter-library Loan

Through the Inter-library Loan service, it is possible to request: 

  • Journal articles
  • Books
  • Book chapters
  • Conference papers and proceedings
  • Non-UK theses

These can be requested via our Online Inter-library Loan system. You will need to log in to your using your Aston username and password. The first time you log in you will need confirm your user type, department and email address. There may be a cost for this service.


Collecting an Inter-library Loan

Some items will be delivered electronically via your Aston email address. 

Physical items will need to be collected from the Help Point on the ground floor of the library. 


Renewing an Inter-library Loan

This will depend on the conditions set by the Library which has lent it to Aston Library to fill the request. 

If they have specified no renewals you will need to return the item to the Help Point on the due date on the slip inside the item. 

If they do allow renewals you will need to pay a renewal fee.  

Renewals should be requested via the Online Inter-library Loans system

Full details can be found on our Inter-library Loans LibGuide.